I want you to imagine that sometime in the future, we bump into each other.
You take hold of my arm to get my attention and say:
Holy shit, Merete, you were certainly not kidding me! What you took me through, made such a huge impact on me, I started to look at my life from a different perspective, I became more aware of my thoughts, things started to happen, and my life transformed completely, here is what happened:
Now STOP and think for a moment, what will you be telling me?.......
I would like you to sit down after reading this and let your mind wander freely, what would your professional and personal life be like if your wildest dreams came through?
Think about it….. and write it down…
WILL YOU BE BOTHERED TO WRITE IT? Or will you just shrug your shoulders, look at your cell phone to see if you got any new messages or do something completely different?
You know, this exercise can literally transform your life.
That is all it takes. You will have a DECISION moment.
Do I do this? Yes, or no?
What decision do you make?
You can choose!
Which path are you going to go down?
What is your life like in a year, five or ten years…… professionally and personally?
The reason why I ask these questions are:
Writing this down will take you off into the future, right then and there you feel it in your body and see it in your mind.
Having a goal that you can really stretch towards is so important, its mission is really to help keep you there in your mind and make you feel it in your body AS IF YOU ARE ALREADY THERE!
A goal is not a place to go to, it is a place to come from, something that was already created in your mind before you got there!
I have done this exercise so many times, on myself and with others…. and it is very effective!
And I really hope that we do bump into each other later and you will tell me all about how EXTRAORDINARY your life has become!