The ThinkingBox
How does the thinkingbox work?
If I say the ThinkingBox, I do not mean the head.
A thought does not just stay in my head, it reflects into my whole being and has an affect on me as I am a complete human being.
In the ThinkingBox, connections occure, that affect me, and the whole of me will process the thoughts I have.
The brain is a wonderful switching station, both a radio tranceiver and transponder, but it is only a part of my ThinkingBox.
The brain is a wonderful switching station, both a radio tranceiver and transponder, but it is only a part of my Thinking Box.
Because everything that has sunk unconsciously down into my subconciousness, triggers my feelings and my feelings affect how and what I think.
In my brain, images are formed as I think, and simultanously I remember the history of everything I have within me, which has previously been experienced and saved, but…
It is in my ThinkingBox that everything interacts.
The Mind, my ThinkingBox:
Is simply consisting of: My logical, thinking part, my concious brain, located at the top, and the unconcious brain below, where my heart and feelings are found.
My body, my shell, is just a type of machine, an instrument controlled by my ThinkingBox.
The Stickman
I can´t explain THE MIND, my THINKINGBOX, any simpler.
Because no one has ever seen yours or mine, we cannot see it in detail, and what it actually consists of.
We do not know what it looks like.
Everything about me is complex. I am a fantastic entity with unlimited potential, What we receive, what or why it stays and how it sticks with us, and the processes itself, is a mystery that cannot be completely explained scientifically or in any other way, as of today we have no proof.
I am much more than you, or I see, no matter what kinds of instruments we use.
That is why we have tried to make it as simple as possible, by using the illustration, the Stickman, a figure that Dr. Thurman Fleet created in 1934, to give you an understanding of what we are, and how the ThinkingBox works.
By looking at it in this way. you will understand the reason behind our results and why we get them.
Joyful Greetings from Tonje
Are your results positive?
Or should we have a conversation about your ThinkingBox?