Here’s what I know about “lucky” people
Sometimes when amazing things happen to people, we say they’re lucky…
Like when someone is in the right place at the right time to make a major move in life.
Or when a salesperson makes a huge sale and earns a $10,000 commission.
Or when a person who is down and out teams up with the right person and quickly becomes a millionaire.
That’s because, when it comes to levels of achievement, there’s an unspoken but popular notion that we must move systematically from our present level to the next.
As a result, most people expect to make gradual progress year after year.
So, they’re satisfied with getting a 3 percent raise one year and 4.5 percent the next.
They’re excited when they can buy the newest model of the car they’ve owned for the past ten years.
And they look forward to climbing to the next rung on the corporate ladder in the next few years.
But what if, instead of progressing one step at a time, you could move from your present level of achievement to one that is several levels higher—directly?
What if you could become what many consider to be lucky?
5 Things Lucky People Do Differently
1. Lucky people use their intuition. Lucky people trust themselves to make successful decisions. And if they get it wrong, they choose another approach and keep things moving.
2. Lucky people treat their failures as an opportunity to learn and grow. They view life as a learning experience. Lucky people see everything—from every person they meet to everything they do and encounter—as a lesson.
3. Lucky people are grateful for what they have right now. They understand that if you are in the habit of feeling and expressing gratitude, the world wants to give you more and more.
4. Lucky people move toward their goals every day. Lucky people understand their dreams won’t come true by simply wishing for them. They don’t wait around for things to work out on their own. They do what’s necessary to move them from where they are to where they want to be.
5. Lucky people have positive beliefs and high expectations. They believe they can do whatever they put their mind to, so they persist even in the face of considerable adversity. They eventually reach the finish line as the other contenders walk back to the starting line.
I challenge you to review each of these points again and consider whether these are really “lucky” attributes or if they’re part of a systematic, scientific process—a law.
Be different.
Luck Vs. Science
Everything in my life and yours, from the level of success we have to the amount of money that flows into our lives, is governed by universal laws.
The most important law, however, is what some people often refer to as Cause and Effect…Karmic Law … Sowing and Reaping … or Action, Re-Action.
These laws are discovered through a scientific process where theories are developed through research and investigation. When a theory proves to be correct, after many experiments and a number of facts are proven to be true, then a principle is announced.
The experiments continue until gradually the law becomes accepted and may be used by anyone who understands and applies it.
In a nutshell, here’s how the Law of Cause and Effect works.
1. The thoughts, feelings and actions that you express in life are seeds that you sow in a powerful and infinite medium—it is everywhere at all times.
2. The conditions, circumstances and things that come into your life are the harvest you reap because of the seeds that you sow.
If you want carrots, but you plant cucumber seeds, you end up harvesting a vegetable you don’t want.
If you want to work in harmony with the law, your thoughts, feelings and actions must align with what you want.
Luck Vs. science.
Suspend Your Disbelief
If you’d like to jump from your current level of achievement to one that is several levels higher, take another look at the first point above.
If you realize that your thought operates through an infinite power, you see that you are limited, not by Principle, but by your own inability to understand and work in harmony with the law to bring about the results you want.
Our thought can bring out only a condition or result that is aligned with what we can conceive. Therefore, the person whose thoughts are of great achievement will create the best results.
When we use universal laws, such as the law of cause and effect, in our favor, the possibilities of what we can be, do and have are limitless.
This wonderful poem by Ernest Holmes sums up what’s available to you when you are ready to embrace the power and possibilities that are available to you when you consciously work in harmony with universal laws:
Peace Be Unto Thee Stranger
“Peace be unto thee, stranger, enter and be not afraid.
I have left the gate open and thou art welcome to my home.
There is room in my house for all.
I have swept the hearth and lighted the fire.
The room is warm and cheerful and you will find comfort and rest within.
The table is laid and the fruits of Life are spread before thee.
The wine is here also, it sparkles in the light.
I have set a chair for you where the sunbeams dance through the shade.
Sit and rest and refresh your soul.
Eat of the fruit and drink the wine.
All, all is yours, and you are welcome.”
Suspend disbelief.
So… How Lucky Do You Want to Be?
We always reap what we sow.
Saying you want a much better life is not good enough.
If you want more money, for example, getting a 3 percent raise is better.
Is that all you want?
If you want a lot more money (an EFFECT), say so and decide on a specific amount.
Then, think of things you can do (CAUSES) to earn that amount of money.
Whatever you want in life, align your thoughts, feelings and actions with your desires, and you’ll become a lucky person. Not by good fortune or happenstance, but by law.
You always reap what you sow.