spark, joy and motivation
Let's talk a little about spark, joy and motivation!
Spark and joy are something you get when you really put yourself first!
Aristotle said pleasure is so important that it surpasses all other worldly considerations.
All research shows that joy and humor are extremely important for people's physical and mental health.
Being happy is a state, something you can decide to feel for yourself, and certainly an individual experience. It is a reaction to something positive happening to you or someone who means something to you. It makes you seek more of it because it fills a need inside you. Joy and happiness are incredibly important for us as individuals, but also for a well-functioning society. Especially in relation to security, welfare, personal development and equality. Sharing good experiences with others feels extra good too.
It is a well-known fact that what the heart is full of, the mouth overflows with.
Such a condition can be short-term or long-term. It can be something we experience a little now and then or it can be deeper and more lasting.
It can also be something we superficially use to cover up how we really feel, but this blog is about the importance of creating a more genuine joy.
We, ourselves are responsible for our own feelings. It is entirely up to us. We choose how to react to what happens in life. By putting things into perspective, mixed with a good attitude gives a long-lasting effect. Spark and joy are the light we need in the dark, it is the warm feeling that spreads through the body, which gives energy to the whole of you. Therefore, you should think a little more about how you can create more spark and joy in your life.
Choose gratitude and joy even in adversity. Being able to turn on the light by your own engine, no matter how difficult your situation is, is a real art, but incredibly useful and healthy. This will make us more attractive and the fact is that we will actually always get back what we ourselves send out. Nothing is more wonderful than being with people who are positive. We all get more energy and resilience so that we can endure more. Spark and joy give us the direction we need and provide motivation.
What actually happens in the body and brain?
Emotions are controlled by hormones. The word hormone is Latin and means to awaken, stimulate.
Serotonin: Is a hormone that, among other things, has to do with mood and has the ability to stimulate the mood in a positive direction. It increases with physical activity, daylight and certain types of food. So move more!
Oxytocin: Inhibits and has a calming, pain-relieving and stress-relieving effect by inhibiting the production of the stress hormone cortisol. You drop the paracetamol!
Dopamine: Dopamine is secreted in the brain and when you have a high level of dopamine, it will increase feelings of joy and well-being. This hormone is associated with pleasure and satisfaction. It creates optimism, feelings of happiness, motivation and self-confidence.
Serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine are often called the body's pleasure substances.
Melatonin: Creates harmony, joy and youthful freshness. If you choose to make exercise or movement a habit, Melantonin will help you sleep better at night. The elderly and others who struggle with sleep should take supplements of melantonin before taking sleeping pills.
Endorphins: Is a hormone that is released naturally in the body, often called the body's own morphine. The body's natural euphoria. Here are the shortcuts to an endorphin kick in everyday life. It also reduces pain. Exercise increases the secretion of endorphins and that is one of the reasons why you feel uplifted and happy after you have exercised.
Let your task today be:
Smile at the next person you meet.
You will make your day absolutely fantastic!
You have the power to touch so many people in a positive way! You can change the world!