Three things standing in the way of success

I believe there are three major obstacles that we face when we want to achieve something, either privately or profesionally.


1.       The comfort zone

Comfort zones are where we become comfortable doing what we do, we don't like change. About 80% of the population find some excuse or reason why they do not want change, despite the fact that the change will be positive or to our advantage.


When we are in our comfort zones, we exist, but we simply do not LIVE.


2.       The other thing that holds most of us back is what we might call learned or experienced helplessness. We are in the “there is no point” phase. That's where we feel like we can't manage to do anything.. we've given up.


3.       The third is what I call "the path of least resistance", where we always look for the easiest way to achieve some result. Nothing of any particular value can be achieved easily.


You must give something to get something.




Yes, that's what we often call it, but is it really?


I think that there is always an infinite amount of possibilities waiting for all of us, but that we mostly fail to see that they are there until we are ready. What does it mean to be ready? It could be a whole host of different things:


- Education

- Experience/knowledge

- Will

- Ability / talents

- Self image

- A good goal, which can drive you

- New perspectives

- Discussions

- Emotions and a well-developed intuition

(And here I'm not just talking about experience-based intuition, but far beyond that)


+ much, much more


There is no limit to what we can fill our mind with over time.


All this, positive or negative, helps to raise, or lower our consciousness, our frequency level.


Some talk about being in tune with something, some call it vibrations.


We can say it as simply as when I call you with my mobile, I can't reach you if I don't have your phone number... that is, your frequency.


I call it expanded awareness, that when you increase your consciousness, it is like a balloon that expands, gets bigger. As in the feeling of being on top of the world, you are happy and grateful… you expand and glow!


If your awareness is limited to what you already know and where you already are, you have a limited awareness and the possibilities out there for you are more or less invisible, but that does not mean that they do not exist.


That is if you have not heard of imagined reality, but is another story, for another blog.


There have probably been several opportunities that have passed you by without you being able to grasp them or even been aware of.


Or maybe you remember that you have been aligned with what you want before, and remember that things happened?


To be in the flow, as it is so popularly called these days.


All knowledge, experience and what was listed etc. above helps to influence our consciousness.


Coincidence, or luck? Could it be that this is what happens when preparation meets opportunity?


I usually refer to the famous quote from the Roman philosopher Seneca:


"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity "



So as for myself then:


I had many wishes and ideas.. for many years. I would talk and talk, people saw my lips move but did not hear what I said.


Then I did a deliberate change, i.e. I took hold of myself, and one of the side effects was that I suddenly expanded my consciousness and saw possibilities.


I know in retrospect that there have been many opportunities in my past.


But as it is only in retrospect that we can see the pattern of what has happened in life and what led naturally from one thing to the other. Then come these obvious hind sights of what could have been, if only one had realized it.


But when I was ready, when my expanded consciousness was in place where it harmonized and aligned with what I really wanted, in my whole mind, my logical thinking consciousness, in my subconscious, where my self-image, my habit patterns are stored, and where what I thought I could achieve, my values, and my feelings lie...


Then...suddenly I was able to take new actions.


I guess I sent out signals both verbally, via body language, actions, and vibrations. I began to see things in a completely different way, from several different perspectives.


I became a better observer, a better listener, and people began to acknowledge what I said and listened to me.


Then opportunities appeared, for conversations. For example, situations could suddenly appear with people whom I could communicate my thoughts and get a response, and what we often think are inexplicable things happened.


Exactly as ordered, it fit right in with where I was right then.


I had set a course, a goal, a destination that I burned so fervently for, I had a desire, and I manifested everything.


If it had happened at a different time, then I probably wouldn't have seen the opportunity and at least not had enough courage and self-confidence to take the chance.


I had "cleared" away many learned habits and belief systems, and discovered my own truths regarding what I wanted to believe in. I knew who I was and valued myself for that.


Well , coincidences... you can call it that, but it could also be synchronicity , or what do you think?


I believe that when the student is ready, the teacher appears.


Then comes the time when you have to choose whether to jump at the opportunities you come across or not.


This is where our decision-making ability comes in, we MUST choose..


What do you choose?


You only have a short time to decide before the momentum is over.


You can choose to be safe, retreat back into your comfort zone and hope that there comes a new wave, with an opportunity, but then it is not so certain that you are in the flow needed to be able to see the opportunity offered.



Carpe Diem


your life's memoirs?

